Members of the Pantheon


The Goddess of Love

To build their pantheon of false gods, the people of the Empyrean Corporation selected the best, brightest, and otherwise most important from among them. Here is a list of the various members of the pantheon and their roles in the Genesis II project.


Known among the others as “Dr. Gabriel Nyx,” the de facto leader of the corporation, Nyx took the mantle of the “God of Light,” and first-born son of the first god. Nyx is the overseer of the others, and his followers worship him as the creator of all light, warmth, and goodness. Out of all the false gods, he is the least directly involved in the project. The mythology surrounding him says that he created the archons from the sun’s rays, which is why their blood is golden in color.


This ancient deity is a pure myth invented by Empyrean. Supposedly, he was the first god to come into existence, the “Father of All.” He, then, created two other gods, Nyx and Sygin. All of existence would have continued in perfect harmony, had Sygin not murdered him. The false gods of Empyrean teach that one day he will return, and when he does all will be made right once more. This, they claim, is why it’s important that the mortals mine adonium, because the adonium is his blood, and they need it to resurrect him. All of this, though, is a lie, and Enlil never existed. As far as the false gods know, anyway.


Like Enlil, this deity too is pure myth invented by Empyrean. Just as Nyx is supposedly the god of light, so too is she the fabled “Goddess of Darkness.” In her boundless and baseless hatred, she slew Enlil, subsequently creating fiends to help in her fight against the other gods. Though all of this is false, there are still many fiends, even within the Rebellion, who believe in Sygin and say their prayers to her.


Also known as “Dr. Adryan Nebo,” he is the most gifted of all their genetic engineers, and the supposed “God of Science and Knowledge.” Despite the commonly accepted mythology on Ymir, it was Nebo who created the archons, humans, and fiends of the world, using genetic engineering. He has always had a love for mythology, mysticism, and religion, and it shows in his work.


Dr. Jaleah Liita is the physicist who first discovered how to refine adonium so that it can be used. Thus, she became known as the “Goddess of Magic.” She set up a system on Ymir by which the people of the planet could cast spells and otherwise use the world-changing capabilities of adonium, but each time they do they have to spend a seleni coin. Seleni coins are made up of a combination of adonium and silver, and each time someone casts a spell using these coins they pay her for the magic.


Also known as “The Honorable Judge Axtin Seth,” he has resided over countless cases, deciding how to interpret the law. His desire for righteous law is why he became the “God of Justice” over Ymir. He wrote many books on morality and ethical philosophy. At the end of the First Age of Ymir, when the false gods of Empyrean decided to wipe out all that they had created and start anew, Seth had a crisis of conscience that ultimately led him to start the Rebellion. After that, all the books he wrote were declared heretical, and the other false gods claimed he had become the “God of Chaos.”


Admiral Jastin Montu loves warfare the way most people love music. From childhood he was fascinated with every aspect of war; from strategy, to inspiring the troops, to weaponry, to basic combat. He won many battles for Empyrean and quickly rose up the ranks, becoming the scourge of many throughout the galaxy. For this, when the Genesis II project began he was made the “God of War.”


Bentom Shun is the chief of robotics in the Empyrean Corporation. He also knows ways to motivate workers, and thus has been made the “God of Stone and Labors,” as well as the patron deity of automatons.


Dr. Atticas Anu specializes in studying strange weather patterns. He has often made machines that can alter the weather. When the Genesis II project started, Empyrean encountered some odd storms caused by adonium, and Anu stepped in to solve the problem. For this, they made him the “God of the Sky,” but, being an avid philosopher, he requested that they make him the “God of Wisdom” as well.


Lady Jynna Ashtoreth is a member of a noble house that is respected by many throughout Empyrean’s territory. Her family rules countless planets and brings immeasurable wealth to Empyrean. When she caught wind of the Genesis II project, she insisted on being allowed to be a part of it. Given her breath-taking beauty and talent for making people love her, she was made the “Goddess of Love.”


Dr. Erock Kernun is one of Empyrean’s top Xenobotanists. Several times, he has successfully cross-bred plants from completely different planets. The false gods feared that if they allowed the people of Ymir to thrive too much, they might eventually make the world uninhabitable, as had happened to Earth. So, Kernun was called in to be the “God of the Wilds,” to ensure that the people of Ymir had a respect for nature.


Dr. Erisha Rakos has long specialized in finding new ways to cheat death through science. While advances in medicine had already ensured that the people of Empyrean would no longer age, she was not satisfied with this. She discovered ways to digitally store human consciousness so that people could live on in machines, and later have their consciousnesses put into new, biological bodies. The discovery of adonium on Ymir has intrigued her, and she immediately requested to be placed on the Genesis II project so that she could develop new paths to immortality that adonium offered. Fittingly, she was made the “Goddess of Death,” and patron goddess of the faithful undead of Ymir.


No record of anyone named “Chronos” exists anywhere in Empyrean’s archives. Even so, a man named Chronos has been with the false gods since the Genesis II project began. Every time one of the other false gods gets it in their mind to investigate Chronos or call him out on this, they forget all about it shortly thereafter. Often, they even forget he was ever there, and sometimes even those on Ymir who are loyal to the false gods forget that Chronos exists. None of his temples, shrines, or chapels can be found on any Ymirian map, yet his priests always insist that they have visited these holy places recently. A true enigma.




The World of Ymir - Empyrean