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Writing Tips Jenifer Casale Writing Tips Jenifer Casale

Is Die Hard a Western?

Let’s start at the beginning. John McLane is a policeman (a lawman) from New York who goes out west (to California) to reunite with his wife who moved out west seeking opportunity. Of course, one cannot talk about this movie without bringing up the first conversation between John McLane and Hans Gruber over the radio. In it, Gruber accuses McLane of being an American who grew up watching too much television, deluding himself into thinking he’s John Wayne. McLane says he’s more of a Roy Rogers fan. When Gruber calls him a cowboy, McLane answers with the famous catch phrase…

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Writing Tips, Third Genesis Jenifer Casale Writing Tips, Third Genesis Jenifer Casale

What is Magipunk?

The appeal of magipunk lies in its ability to blend fantastical elements with familiar settings. A wizard may walk with a staff and wear a pointed hat as he walks into a private detective’s office. Lightning elementals powering a city’s grid might cause a major crisis when they go on strike. A dark lord may rise to threaten the world with his army of steam-powered robots. It offers a fresh take on traditional fantasy tropes while exploring themes that resonate with modern audiences.

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Writing Tips Jenifer Casale Writing Tips Jenifer Casale

5 Ways to Keep Writer’s Momentum Going

Stories operate on momentum. One event leads to another, which leads to another, and builds to a climax, followed by a resolution. Writing stories operates the same way. For the writer to keep interest in the story, the writer needs to keep up some momentum in its telling. Too often, writers will start off a story which has them excited, only to later run out of ideas or lose interest. Here are some ways to avoid that sort of burnout and keep the momentum going.

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