
Of all the species living on Ymir that the false gods of Empyrean created, the fiends have had it the hardest. Though Dr. Nebo created them using genetic engineering, just like he created the archons and the Ymirian humans, the mythology spread around was that they had been created by Sygin, the goddess of darkness. The false gods teach that the fiends are born evil, and for a long time even fiends believed this to be the case. Many still do.

Fiends come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most have generally human appearances with a few animal features added, such as horns, wings, hooves, antlers, or claws. Their lifespans are roughly twice as long as a human lifespan, and they age at half the rate. This means that fiends are only considered adults when they reach about 40 years of age, and are children well into their twenties.

Generally, fiends live in places where they are shielded from the sky. Many live underground, in dense forests or jungles, or even under the ocean. They have various clans, and there are six fiend nations, each ruled by a fiend king or queen. One such fiendish nation is Strata Citadel, a flying city that was once an archon settlement. There are also the kingdoms of the Obsidian Mountains, the Crystal Caves, the Fae Tribe, and the Yesod Emirate.

Some fiends can blend into human society, remaining undetected. Sangrels look mostly human, except for their snake-like fangs. Deceivers can shapeshift and change their appearances. Dreila appear as if they are made of shadows and have a gift for remaining unseen altogether. However, fiend blood is black instead of red, so even the smallest cut or scrape can give them away. There are also some people who have been trained to detect fiends. Fiend slayers, for example, drink fiend blood for the strength it gives them, and can smell them.

Fiends make up the bulk of the Rebellion’s forces. While in Prometheus City, the various races generally live in harmony, in other lands the fiends tend to mistrust archons they come across. This mistrust is not unfounded, as archons have exterminated fiend settlements time and again.

Most fiends tend to be non-religious, but some seek spirituality and faith to enrich their lives. A minority seek to worship Sygin, as their ancestors did. Many others turn to worship the One, the sun, or certain individuals believed to have achieved “True Enlightenment.”

There are also some fiends who, strangely enough, serve the gods of Empyrean. These “Repentant Ones” will often cut off their own horns or otherwise mar their more “monstrous” features, and fiercely dedicate themselves to the service of Empyrean in the vain hope that they will be forgiven their basic nature.

Despite the constant attempts by archons and crusaders to wipe out their kind, fiends have persisted and survived. This is largely due to a combination of their long lifespans, high fertility rates, and instinct to hide away from their enemies.


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