Humans of Ymir

Humans are, by far and away, the most numerous species of the world of Ymir.

Dr. Nebo of Empyrean used cloning and genetic engineering to create the humans of Ymir, a fact that the majority of humankind on that world is unaware. The way most of them understand it, Nyx created them specifically so that they could mine for adonium, with the promise that once they gathered enough adonium they would see an end to all suffering.

Most of the humans of Ymir live in the various nations of the world. While their primary purpose is mining, the majority of humans do not mine, but rather spend their time supporting the mining operations in a number of ways. Some grow food on farms, some cut wood in the forests, others travel across the known world trading goods, etc. Whatever their professions, they are most often paid in seleni coins, of which they are expected to give half to the local temple.

All humans have some ability to sense adonium, though for most it is an unconscious ability. Those who work in the mines hone this ability and use it to find veins of adonium ore. Some miners have also crafted automatons to assist them in their digs. Often when exposed to unrefined adonium, humans will suffer magical maladies and thus become “cursed” in any manner of strange ways.

In addition to the settlements on the surface, some humans have created whole cities underground, which allow them to delve ever deeper into the mines for adonium caches. Often when they dig that deep, they find vast cities under the soil which were built in the previous ages of Ymir. Legends abound of the treasures one can find in these ancient ruins, and some humble miners have become nobility because they uncovered some vault or another.

Those humans loyal to Empyrean often live in fear of the various clans of fiends surrounding their lands, and they look to the archons for protection. Granted, they are often just as fearful of the archons, for while archons are meant to be their protectors, they have also wiped out human villages and even whole cities when they proved impious.

While the primary purpose of humankind is labor, many have also turned to serving the gods in other ways. Some become clergy and direct the others in worship. Others become holy warriors, dedicated to upholding the will of the gods, whether as crusaders, zealots, or ghaji. Then, of course, there are those who govern the various human nations across Ymir, and those dedicated to upholding the law of those governments.

In the hierarchy taught by the priests of Empyrean, humans are considered to be below the archons, but slightly above automatons. Those humans serving in the Rebellion generally do not believe in such a hierarchy.

A great many humans, however, serve the Rebellion, and that number has been increasing in recent years. While most continue to live in the lands of their birth, some move to lands controlled by the fiend clans or to Prometheus City for safety. Those who remain in the lands of their birth fear the constant threat of discovery by inquisitors, who seek to root out traitors and make examples of them.


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